Monday, September 15, 2008

Antara ISA dan Mahkamah terbuka

Apabila kerajaan menahan Cik Kok dan Encik Petra, riuh rendah lah umat PR dengan pelbagai protes dan komen, sehingga MB Khalid sanggup mengatakan akan melantik dan membiayai peguam dari luar sekalipun untuk membebaskan Cik Kok.

Pagi ini saya dapat sms dari seorang teman berbangsa cina, I want to join Teresa in ISA, would you like to join me?? Kesian kawan tu.. lama mengenali saya tetapi tidak memahami saya...

Jawapan saya senang pada dia..

Why does she has to play with the malays and muslims sentiment. In this case her action and statements are very glaring she even does not have to go for any trial.... She does it publicly, she ignites the malay community's sentiment...... Now she has to face it.

1. She is adamant to have the Selangor Government (within the first month of PR in power) to proceed on the largescale PIG FARM in a malay concentrated area. She was even reported on having a pig/pork feast/barbeque with her DAP counterparts openly.... Melayu Selangor naik marah... boleh tahan lagi..

2. She touches the issue on the road signages with the JAWI scribe. She suggested changes that requires the Chinese and Tamil characters to replace the JAWI writing. She wants the Malay character abolished!!! How dare you do that!!! You expect the malays to just smile and nod our head...She wants to be racial. Not one malaysian. multiple malaysian. She wants to highlight that other races should be dorminant in malaysia. First, abolish their writing... then they will eventually disappear.... marah lah melayu. (Saya bangun pagi-pagi tengok dia mainkan isu ni terus menyirap. Tak tau lah orang lain lagi)

3. She touches the issue on the AZAN.... that is sinful. She denies it. Did she ever wonder why these people did not accuse xavier or elizabeth nor ronnie on this matter??? Because she brought it up and then denies it. She again kept on harping on it.....

4. These are the cases that are brought up to the public attention. No way she can deny it. Its public. Its hurting us malay. It is the very essence that can trigger the malay's protest. She is proud of doing it. She could not be bothered if it creates racial unrest. .... She qualify to be silence in ISA. Let loose she might just push the malays to angkat PARANG eventually... THINK!!! Mungkin banyak lagi agenda dia....

5. As for Petra, I guess he is a muslim because he is born muslim. Whether he lives the life of a muslim only he knows. For a muslim to insult his own religion or allow anyone to do so it is very sad... biarlah Allah tentukan nasibnya...Allah maha kaya....maha mengetahui....

Below is what I felt that also contribute to the malay insecurity feeling:


The malays has long felt the economic inbalance. Quotas that has been created to help the malays was even questioned and lately some has been abolished. The rate of poverty that is still high in the malay community. A lot of effort is needed if the malays are to equalise the percentage in the economic dorminance. The malays are not striving in their own motherland. When the contracts are slowly given and completed by the malays, the dorminant chinese business associates felt threaten. They then say we are racial. Kita tak bole cari makan kata mereka. What they did not see is the opportunity that is so wide open for them. They just want it all for themselves, sayang kalau kongsi agaknya. Yang lain boleh sama rata. Ekonomi untuk dimonopoli oleh satu bangsa sahaja ke??? Then, way of life, adat and religion is also insulted. Provoked, any races, how mild and tolerant they are, can turn violent eventually. Orang melayu dah lama mengalah... banyak memberi peluang... jangan lah di pijak kepala kita...sure melawan!!!

I think the government using the ISA act again this time is appropriate despite the protests that is going on. Open court will be a waste of time and will invoke more racial instability. Zaid should know this and not protest from within. ini melemahkan integriti dan keputusan Kerajaan. Khalid bersuara lantang kerana dia pembangkang. Kena jadi hero.

Perkara-perkara membabitkan perkauman perlu tindakan keras kalau tidak akan bermandi darahlah rakyat. Ini kerana walaupun nampak remeh akan mejadi besar dan hilang kawalan. Banyak yang taksub dengan bangsa masing-masing menunggu alasan untuk melawan sahaja.

Kes Hindraf hampir mencetuskan persengketaan kaum. Banyak melayu jadi meluat setelah melihat hindraf biadap dan melampau. Masuk ISA, senyap dan aman kita. Koh dari Gerakan menjadi sasaran kemarahan melayu kerana kenyataan-kenyataan yang melampau . Kalah PRU12 salahkan melayu. Jangan lah keterlaluan. Nasib baik ketua UMNO sekarang tu penyabar... kalau saya sumbat je. Aman sikit.

Yes, a handful of malays are contented. Example, MB Khalid. He got a handshake deal from PNB those days. He has nothing to complain...Many other malays too has benefited all these years but how many??? ...Jadi jangan pertikaikan kalau melayu teringin hendak maju.... kalau melayu perlu pertahankan hak. Ini tanahair kita. Perlu untuk masa depan anak-anak dan cucu-cucu... perlu ada situasi seimbang dimana anak-anak kita mampu bersaing. Peluang yang ada sekarang masih belum seimbang. Banyak syarikat bukan bumiputra yang masih mementingkan bangsa mereka sendiri. Itu sudah lumrah....The malays has to work harder to be at PAR!!!

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